Masks and Objects
How do I find the function block belonging to the graphic object in the HMI designer?

Situation: You found a graphic object (text, LED, trend …) or mask in the HMI designer and want to know which function block this object is connected to.
In the following example, the user would like to know which function block the text object for temperature output is connected to.
1. Change to the block diagram editor and select the Browser over the toolbar or menu.

2. Select the tab Masks and Objects in the dialog Browser Filter and then Masks and Objects for the type as well. Subsequently, click on the button with the 3 dots next to Mask (red circle).
3. After that, select the graphic object in the designer, for which you are searching the block connection and select the object. The object should be marked then. Click on OK.

4. The search boxes are now filled with the according content. For an exact search for the object, click on exact match.
5. After clicking on OK the search results will appear in a dialog.

6. By double clicking on the object in the list, you will be lead to the block editor.
Browser for block errors due to open connectors, possible block sequence problems or other problemes
The search for block errors provides a considerable added value for large and small projects. To realize this the feature offers different search functions:
- Search for blocks with open connectors. Generally, open connectors are an indication for an incorrect functionality.
- Search for possible block sequence problems. Inadvertent block sequence problems cause usually a time behavior of the application which makes the trouble-shooting very difficult. (The actual function and connection of the blocks is correct, but the sequence problems lead to a wrong behavior.)
- Search for blocks with wrong parameters, invalid connections or other problems.
Visual realization
The search is carried out in the browser. By placing the check marks, you can determine if open connectors, block sequence problems and/or other problems like wrong parameters should be searched.
- You can search with different search options.
- The search is available in edit and in run mode.
- The search results are visualized.